miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009
A la luz de la luna

Daria todo porque conocieras cada rincón de mi cuerpo, que queda descubierto a la luz de la luna.
A la luz de la luna, la nostalgia se hace presente y regresan tus recuerdos.
Palabras y sueños que algún día compartí contigo en espíritu a la luz de la luna.
Hoy mi corazón se congela y mi alma trata de nuevo buscar tus palabras y tus sueños a la luz de la luna.
A la luz de la luna no se escucha más risitas de amor, ahora solo es testigua a lagrimas de dolor.
En las noches ya no me acompañan tus “TE AMO AMOR”, me eh conformado con la compañía del silencio y el temor a la luz de la luna.
A la luz de la luna a los cielos le reprocho mi dolor y mi amor, pero en fin nunca recibo contestación.
A la luz de la luna trato de entender todos mis errores y temores, pues poco a poco a luna me ilumina con su entendimiento.
Y a la luz de la luna me describo como soy: una poeta loca de amor y de pasión, que igual sufre un tantito de melomanía.
Pero en fin a la luz de la luna todavía soy toda tuya amor y me declaro enamorada de ti soñador.
domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009
Aventura ft Wisin Y Yandel Noche de Sexo (Vellas Remix)
esta noche te voy a devorar y cumplir nuestras fantasias
Tonight your mine!

Tonight I don’t want to cry nor do I want to drown my sorrows, instead I want to write away my pain.
I want my heart to speak and my soul to pour out everything it has suppressed for so many days.
Tonight these questions left answered in my head find the response they have been waiting for.
I no longer expect to find then in your words or your poems, tonight I long to find them in your lips.
Tonight I don’t want to read you, tonight I need to see you, feel you and smell you.
Tonight my dreams come to an end and my fantasies turn into reality.
Tonight kilometers, miles and borders mean nothing to me because my burning body is yearning for your touch.
For I die to be in your head, your bed and your embrace tonight.
Tonight let’s break all the rules and let our passion take over our actions.
Shhh… don’t say a word tonight let’s give into this pleasure that surpasses all expectations.
Tonight I want your hands to be the paint brush and my body the canvas.
Your lips will retrace each corner of my being; my breast will calm your hunger because tonight my love for you is stronger.
Tonight your eyes will be my security and your arms my comfort because nothing can stop this night of erotic bliss.
Tonight I long to whisper or scream your name, as we share a moment of ecstasy closing the door on reality.
Tonight whether you like it or not your mine!
lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009
Thinking of you

So call me crazy but I just can’t stop thinking of you.
Trying to forget

I try to forget your words but in the darkness and coldness of my room, my memory decides to remind me of them.
I smile and laugh with the others trying to forget you but in the end thoughts of you bring back that void in my soul.
Your bitterness and indifference feeds my need to forget you but somehow my heart still calls out for you.
I try to forget every promise you made but something in me still has a grain of hope they’ll come true.
I try to forget dreaming with you yet when night falls in the warmth of my bed, I continue to dream with your eyes and your words.
I try to forget you in the arms of another love but in the end I cannot not love him with the same passion I loved you.
I try to forget those TE AMO’s but in my loneliness I cry wishing I could read you once more in love with me.
I try to forget the day I met you yet somehow when I remember how much I loved you, I will die to bring back time.
I live my days trying to forget how much I love you and how much I desire you.
But at the end in my dreams you still continue to torment me and I will give anything to continue dreaming with you.
All though I know that somehow you have forgotten me and the love you had for me.
Yet to me you’re unforgettable because you still live in my dreams and in my heart dark writer.
domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009
sábado, 7 de febrero de 2009
¡Qué viernes!

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009
Llevo tu voz grabada en el corazón

! Si aun anhelo tenerte cerca, besarte y poder sentir el calor de tu cuerpo junto al mío.
lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009
Inspiracion (pelicula completa) 9 de 9
parte de una peli que me gusto mucho porque trae a relucir mucho de las cosas que no entendemos del amor.